Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Computing

5 Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Computing

Eleanor Milner
Media Assistant

January 31, 2023

Hybrid cloud or multi cloud provides the benefits of public and private clouds, delivering the best of both worlds.

What is hybrid cloud computing?

Hybrid cloud computing refers to a mixed approach to compute, utilising a combination of on-premise, public cloud and private cloud solutions in your datacentre. This diversified approach has been reportedly adopted by 82% of IT leaders. 

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Computing

1.Reduce Cost

Organisations using a hybrid cloud approach can avoid unnecessary costs with the ability to only pay for the cloud  resources they use. The pay as you go model applies to the data storage space needed to service your stakeholders and clients, meaning you get the exact amount space you need and won’t be charged for the space you don’t use.

2. Improve Scalability 

With the ability to scale up or down depending on demand, it eliminates the cost or need for extra resources. Organisations can easily scale their business to meet their current or future requirements. If there is a spike in demand, organisations don’t risk overburdening their infrastructure; instead the cloud will scale accordingly to match.

In addition to storage capacity, hybrid cloud computing offers the scalability for extra bandwidth and computing power. These performance enhancements help improve business efficiency and provide opportunities for growth.


3. Enhanced Security 

It was found that 94% of businesses saw an improvement in security after switching to hybrid cloud computing. The private cloud keeps your data and applications protected behind your firewall which is only accessible to the users you would like, making it suitable for processing or storing sensitive data but similarly, a hybrid cloud model helps aid business continuity.

It was found that 20% of cloud users claimed disaster recovery in four hours or less. Thereby, in the event of a breach or failure, ransomware recovery such as Zerto can help protect against loss of data as a result of multi-cloud mobility. Additionally, a multi-cloud model makes it easy to implement robust technical security measures such as encryption, automation, and access control, to help manage risk easily and effectively.

4. Flexible Work Conditions 

The hybrid cloud model enables users to work flexibly in the environment best for them – which is particularly useful in today’s hybrid working world – by allowing access to data that’s not tied to a central location. This also increases collaboration as organisations can seamlessly communicate and access/share information wherever they are working from.

5. Digital Transformation

The future of digital rapidly turns in any direction, but hybrid cloud provides the agility to adapt and change direction quickly, giving organisations the competitive advantage.


Adopt today to be ready for tomorrow

With its combination of on-premises, edge, and public cloud resources, it’s important to determine the right mix of destination choices for your business applications. DTP, in partnership with Hewlett Packard Enterprise, provides objective, data-driven analysis that prepares your business for successful hybrid cloud migration.

Learn more about hybrid cloud or get in touch to discuss your Hybrid IT journey.

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